Monday, February 9, 2009

Grammy? What Grammy You talking About?

what do you
think about
my Grammy?"
"Well, actually
I thought it
went fairly
well last nite.
They had a
lot of live
music and
not so much
talking and
awards and
giving speeches
although I thought it's always funny whenever the award
goes to more than one person, like a band or a duo, and
then they gotta come up a say thanks to everybody. Like
last night, the first time Robert Plant and Allison Kraus
came on stage to accept a Grammy and Robert Plant said
his nonsense and it looked like Allison wanted to say something
but some girl escorted them away from the podium. I think
that there should be a rule that whenever there is multiple
winners that only one person can talk. One suprise for me
was Al Green, Justin Timberlake (he's bringing sexy back),
Boys to Men (not quite at the end of the road yet) and Nicole
Kidman's husband did 'Let's Stay Together'. It came off really
really good and Nicole's husband can play the guitar. It was a
last minute replacement for Chris Brown who had to bounce
cuz he was at the PoPo station. For a last minute thing, it came
off really flawless I thought. So, all in all, I thought the Grammy's
came off pretty good."
"Hey, old flip, I was talking about your WIFE."

1 comment:

Papa Joe said...

Uh huh...and I would pay money to see Keith Urban live, too.

I actually watched most of the show with the mute button on (had company) but I caught that Krauss snub, too. Or how about where Robert Plant said they used to call what he did 'selling out.' She really looked like she didn't want to be on stage with him at all.