Friday, February 27, 2009

Kili-Kili White Balls

how come
is out but
no more
any rain?"
"Well my
little haole
you would
be correct
that most
people use
umbrellas to keep the rain out but sometimes in Hawaii,
you use umbrellas to keep the sun out... you see what
happens is that it can get so hot, that your nose and face
starts to get so hot that beads of sweat bubble on your
nose... and then your kili-kili starts to sweat and then
people are looking at the wet spot on your dark blouse
and thinking, 'Hey knucklehead! Anti-perspirant! Use it.'
And then sometimes, the bookbooks got the dark kili-kili
and for some reason they use a deodorant stick that leaves
little while balls hanging on their pit hair, like a lot of NBA
players, and then people will say, 'Excuse me sister, I can
see your armpit balls hanging.' And that's why they use
umbrellas on a sunny day."

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