Saturday, February 21, 2009

Aiea Library 1958

"Grandpa, why do you like the show 'Life on Mars'?"
"I like any show that involves time travel ... that's
why I like other shows like that....'Quantum Leap',
'Back to the Future', 'Groundhog Day', 'Frequency'
and 'Bill and Ted'. I especially like the idea of going
back...if I could.... I'd take you back with me."
"Where would you take me, Grandfool? Would it be
70s New Years on Hokea Street? Or the 1977 Raiders
Super Bowl? Or to Kalapana - C&K at Aloha Stadium
in 1976? Where would you take me?"
"Actually, all of those would be good. But first, I guess
I'd take you to Aiea Library 1958. Do you see this big
yellow tree? This is where our house used to be when
I was a small kid. My Ilocano dad was still alive and
me and Grandpa Dan used to play here when we were
your age now. It would have been nice to run with you
back in hana bada days. You know, you are closest to
the people that knew you when you were younger.....
I was there when you were born, and it would be cool
if you knew me when I was small so you could feel the
same thing I have for you. But anyway....If I could....
I'd take you back....."
"Grandpa, I think you just did."

1 comment:

ihearttemana said...

Sniff...sniff...tears! Reminded me of our trips to the library...and explains why C&K songs make me cry! =) And everyone always asks me why I like the Raiders and all I can say is "because it's my uncle's favorite team and i'm his little rookie!" Namaile is soo fortunate to have you!