Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Halawa Going For the Gold

what's the
scoop with
"Well, my
little gummy
worm, that's
my alma
where it all
began. They
used to call
it the book
book hall...
but that was
before there
was a real
they still get
plenny books
in Halawa..."
"Yeah, I can
see plenny
making the
shaka sign...
what's the
scoop with
"Well the
shaka sign
was invented
by the books.
One day, one
of my people
was trying fo
dig deep for
gold, and he
thought if he
could use his
thumb, he
would be able
to get the most of his efforts. But just in case his nostrils
wasn't big enough, he had his little finger ready...just in a back-up. So whenever somebody would say,
'Eh, howzit bruddah' ...the bookbook would be going for the
gold and he'd say, 'I'm going por de gold, manong' and he'd
have his thumb up in there....and then he'd finish it off with
his pinky...of course, the pinky nail would be longer than his
thumb... and as you know, hoping that he could go where
no man has ever fact that's what Ethan is doing
with his dad, Uncle Ron."

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