Thursday, July 3, 2008

"Yup...Cuz You're My Grandpa"

"Grandpa, why do I
feel sad sometimes?
I shouldn't cuz I got
everything I need, I
have a nice mommy
and daddy, and I got
plenny food fo' eat,
and we get wireless
internet in the house
so I can't figure out
why sometimes I get
all sad an den."
"Well my little mochi
chicken wing, being
happy has nothing to
do with food or wire-
less internet. Happy
is from having a fun
Grandpa. Happy is
also from having good
music to listen to. May
I recommend some
Kalapana, C&K, and A
Tribe Called Quest.
Happiness is also from
downloading free stuff
from the internet. I
was able to get my
hands on some Tetris
and PacMan on Excel.
Thanks to Grandma
Mellow Sara Jane Mels.
Just don't let her cook
any corn. Nope, don't.
Happiness is also from
eating stuff like Yogurt
from Yogurt World. I
suggest you try the
Mango Tart with some
blueberries and straw
berries and mochi. Keep
it under 4 pounds. Ha!
Happiness is also from
Leonards Malasadas. If
somebody gets some
stinkin' Pillsbury ready-
to-bake-rolls and fries
it in oil and puts sugar
on it then he has the gall
to call that malasadas...
let me know. Cuz I'm a
gonna slap his head.
Happiness is also from
custard pie. Happiness
is always attainable by
means of an L&L Loco forget to ask
them to put grilled onions in the gravy. Smother it with Ketchup and
tabasco. That is Happiness....Hey! Why you looking at the water?"
"Grandpa, first you say you can't get happiness from food and the
internet...and then you talk about food and the internet. So, I was
looking in the water...ummm.....yeah...water....Hey Grandpa...
guess what? I'm happy know why?"
"Cuz I'm your Grandpa?"

1 comment:

sandra said...

1) loco moco