Thursday, July 17, 2008

No! The Raiders Are Not Metallic and Ebony !

look at me
I'm painting
"Yeah, just
don't smell
it so much.
Look what
happened to
your Uncle
You like get
all hamajams
or what?"
"No Grandpa,
I no like get all hamajams. But check out the yeah?"
"Yes, my little Frap-a-cheehoo, colors are nice. But I want you
to remember to never ever call colors mental names."
"Mental names? Like what the snikeys are you talking about -
you freakish Filipino male grandparent?"
"Ok...for example...if you going color something it pink
don't call it fuschia or magenta, k? And if you gonna color something
blue, don't call it denim, cobalt, turquoise or azure, k? And if you
gotta color something white, try your bestest not to call it ivory,
linen, old lace, seashell, eggshell or sharkbait. Just call it white, K?"

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