Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lesson In Cool

"Grandpa, look!
Here's an old pic
of my mom when
she was small. I
think you guys
used to give her
shoes yeah?"
"Um...yeah. I
guess she should
have waited a
few more years
to wear 'em. But
let me tell you
a little bit about
sports, my little
manapua and
pepeyau. When
you see people on ESPN celebrating excessively by yelling
or dancing or whatever when they make a touchdown, sack
somebody, or hit a homer...don't think it's cool. Cuz it's not.
Act like you've done it before. Watch Ichiro or Manny Ramirez
or old clips of Dr. J or Bobby Jones. When you score....just be
cool like those guys. Isn't that irritating when you see ballers
screaming after a dunk?"

1 comment:

Papa Joe said...

...and don't come up with pretentious nicknames like Lester the Molester, They Call Me the Assassin, or The Snake...