Tuesday, July 8, 2008


"Grandpa, I wanna
tag my uncles...
is that okay?"
"Yeah, everybody's
gettin' their tag on."
"Okay...so, Grandpa,
I know that I'm not
playing this tag game
right, but here goes...
1. Uncle Damian's
favorite teams are
the Denver Broncos
and the Detroit
Tigers. Why? Cuz
they both got the
letter 'D' on their
helmet. That's also
the reason why he
wears Dolce and
Gabbana stuff.
2. Uncle Andrew got left at the Kam IV hall one day. Nobody
knew he was missing. One time we left him at home and when
we was almost at the Hall we had to turn around and go back
home and there was his 5 year old butt on the back porch.
Ha! Middle child!
3. Uncle Troy snores so loud that the TV channel keeps changing.
Ba Bam!"


Papa Joe said...

>>Uncle Andrew got left at the Kam IV hall one day. Nobody knew he was missing.<<

Not unprecedented. Luke 2:43.

Three Pretty Girls said...

the first and last time
that comparison will ever
be made with andrew