Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nice Sofa Cushions

"Grandpa, check out
this pretty flower."
"Check out the pretty
flower? How about
checking out the two
year old girl that's still
sucks her thumb. What's
up with that?"
"Um...I don't know....
it tastes good? It kinda
tastes like milkshake."
"Yeah, maybe cuz your
thumb is lactating. That's
ok my little Baby Bop.
Your mommy used to
suck her thumb a lot too.
Here's a picture of her 28
years ago sucking thumb.
In fact she used to like to
suck her thumb and smell
stuff at the same time.
Her favorite was smelling
her pillowcase. Actually,
it wasn't her pillowcase.
It was mine. She used to
come in my bed and then
remove my pillowcase
from my pillow and then
she'd smell that while she
would suck her thumb.
Maybe she thought it also
tasted like milkshake.
Anyway, she wouldn't
call it a pillowcase. She
used to like calling it a
pulley case."
"Oh Grandpa, that's kinda
crazy yeah?"
"What's crazy? the part
where she sucks her thumb?"
"No...the crazy part was the upholstery on your
old sofa back in the day. .....Wow....bookbooks for real."
(Bottom picture - Mommy Moani 1980)

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