Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What? You Like Beef?

"Grandpa, what
else do you find
"Well, my little
Azuki Bean, I
can't stand it
when people
make me a CD,
and then they
"jokingly"put in
3 seconds of a
totally retarded
song and then
follow it with a
good song. It's
"supposed to be
funny" but after
you listen to it for the millionth time, it's not "funny"
but it's really 'irritating' and you wish they just played
the good song and left off the "funny" 3 seconds of crap.
What about you little girl, what's irritating to you?"
"I think it's irritating that you put quotation marks
on the words that you're stressing. It insults me that
you feel obligated to "point" these words out to me, as
if a 14 month old girl is not able to do it herself. I'm 14
months old, I'm not "retarded".

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I wanna bite those legs.
They are just to cute.