a crybaby?"
"By the Dogs of
Jezebel, what kine
of question is that?"
"Well I was just
wondering cuz I
seem to cry a lot
and I was thinking
maybe it's in my
blood...so are you?"
"Well my little red
hibiscus, I cry when
I'm watching a K
drama and somebody
dies, which I suppose
is every K drama.
I also cry whenever
I see Willis Reed hit those
2 jumpers in the 7th game of the 1970 NBA Finals. So, I
don't know. Does that make me a crybaby?"
"No, actually that makes you a panty, my old and gray Tata."
"Well did you know that I already wrote 3 songs for you?"
"Yes, my frizzled old monkee. You wrote Grandfather's Lullaby,
Hey There Namaile, and She Is My Sunshine."
"Yah, well when I wrote and sang those the first couple of times,
I cried. So does that make me a crybaby too?"
1 comment:
If you are watching soaps and still smarting from sporting events that happened almost 40 years ago, then I would say that being a cry baby is not your most pressing issue...
Then again, Magic's baby hook in '87 was a genuine tragedy. (At the time I told my 4-year-old it was called that because he shoots like a baby...)
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