Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ha Ha! They're Coming Back To Sing Again! Ha Ha!

"Grandpa! You
know at the end
of a concert when
the band is done
and they walk
off the stage....
are they done?"
"Actually, my
little Salt Water
Taffy, they're
not done. They
want you to
keep clapping
and yelling and
whistling and
stuff so that
they'll come
back out again.
What it is really, is that they want you to beg for them.
'Oh please come back and sing one more pathetic song...
I'm gonna keep clapping until you guys come back out'
is what they want you to do. It's kind of lame when the
people don't really clap that much but they still come out
anyway. Then you can mock them...'HaHa, I didn't clap
that much but you knuckleheads came back out anyway!'"

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