Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Grandma's First Talk

(July 10, 2006)
Hi, pretty girl.
I'm your
Grandma Toi.
You remind me
of your mom
28 years ago.
I can't wait to
babysit you
and play with
you. There's so
much we're
gonna do
together. Where
do I start?
Well, you can
do the stuff that
I do. We can eat
chocolates all
day. We can go
shopping and buy
useless stuffs to
put around the
house, like candles
and crap like that.
Then we can go
watch crap on the
TV like "Lost" and
movies like "The
Notebook". If we
watch crap like that
then Grandpa can't
watch the really
good stuff that he
enjoys. Did I already
say we can eat
chocolates all day?
I did? Oh we're gonna have so much fun.

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