Thursday, May 10, 2007

7...7-11...7-11...Shake 'Em Up, Shake 'Em

"Hey Namaile,
what'd you do
"Well, I did
plenny stuff.
First, I went
wake up.
Then I made
a lot of noise.
I made the
kine noise,
Then, I went
she-she in my
pamps. Then,
somebody went
change my
she-she pamps.
Then Grandpa
gave me some
food. He gave
me pizza, and
chicharon, and
all kine other
healthy stuff.
Then we turn
on the TV and
again, for the
millionth time.
Then he put
some clothes
on me and we
went in the
jogging stroller
and went around
the neighborhood.
He was slamming
all the people's
yards, "Oh, da ugly"
"Oh, da messy"
"Ooh, that one's
nice", stuff like
that. And then
we went home
and he put on
some old people
music and we
wuz dancing.
And then he
put his mouth
on my fat
stomach and
started blowing
it so that it
made flatulating sounds. Oh da thrills. Like Ice Cube
says, 'It was a Good Day'."

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