Saturday, April 25, 2009

Top Five

can we do
"Okay my
little li hing
gummy bear's my
top 5 list of
stuff that's
happened to
me while in
field service.
1. I'm with your Grandpa Matt in Aiea Heights
and some of his RV's fingers are short cuz
he works at Dole Cannery and everytime he needs
cash, he'd 'accidently' slice off the tip of one of his
fingers and the state would give him money.
2. In Seattle, Grandma Phon was going on an RV and
I ask her what's her name. She says, 'Oh her name is
Deep'. So I say, 'I hope her last name isn't Doo-doo'
and she's like, 'Oh no, her last name is Dung'.
3. In Seattle, one time Uncle Tony was in the back
seat of the van and a roll of wax fell out of his ear.
4. In Halawa, there was this dog on the balcony of
this house...and I start walking toward the house...
and my partner said, 'Brah, you better not go so close.'
And I said, "Eh, no worry." Cuz I could see that the
dog was on a chain. But then the dog started walking
toward me and I guess the chain was super long.....
and so I'm walking backwards really fast, and I tumble
down this guys hill and cut up my arm and shirt.
5. In Aiea, I was with somebody, I won't say his name
but it rhymed with Chill Bawrence. And anyway, this
guy rejected us...and as we're walking away, my partner
said, 'Hey Roy, I gotta go NOW'. So he knocks on the
guys door and says, "Excuse me, can I use your bathroom?"
And the guy lets him....Hoh I was rolling....
How about you little girl...What's your list?"
"'s my top 2 list of thumbs I like to suck...
1. My left thumb
2. My right thumb

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