Saturday, April 4, 2009

Aunty Kharis and Twinkle Twinkle

did you ever
notice how
some songs
sounds like
other songs?"
"You mean
like how 'Ice
Ice Baby' is
exactly like
Yeah, that
Vanilla Ice is a knucklehead. Total rip-off."
"Actually, my retarded Grandfool from Aliamanu,
I was thinking about 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'
sounding exactly like 'The ABC Song'. It's note for
note.......what's up with that? And you can even
say that 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' is using the same
melody. That's wrong, don't you think so, Grandpa?"
"Well, at least this way, you only have to learn one
melody in order to learn 3 songs...........
btw...did I ever tell you that it's cute how you
put your thumb, forefinger and middle finger
together in both hands and tap them together?"

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