Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Merrily, Merrily, Merrily,Merrily..... Butt Butt Butt Butt Butt."

"Grandpa, what do you if you're not quite
sure what the words to a song are?"
"Well, I do what everybody else does.......
I just make up my own words...........Thelma
does I figure, I should do it too...
like in 'Billie Jean' ...I sing, 'She says I am the
one...but the Chad is not my son.' I figure
the kid's name is Chad."
"Grandpa, what do you do when the guitar
solo comes up?"
"Well, your Grammy likes it when I make
fake guitar sounds like I'm saying
'Bear chock a wow wow'. It's also fun to try and
sing harmony. It's not the melody or main tune,
but it's supposed to complement the melody. I
think most times though, I'm not complementing
the melody...I'm prolly more like mocking the
"'re really good at putting in your
own lyrics into familiar songs. Can you teach me
how to do that too?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Roy you are so bad. Poor Toi.