Thursday, June 14, 2007

Namaile Likes Story Time

tell me a
story bout
when you
was small
Well, when
I was just
a young
boy, back
in the late
80's, we
used to have
this big land
and I would
go horsie
riding with
my brothers
Hoss and
Little Joe...
we used to
go round-up
all the little
dogies cuz
we was all
and den.
when you
say 'dogies'
you're talkin'
cowboy talk
for cattle,
Well, little
girl, actually
when I say
'dogies', I
really mean
kind that go
"woof woof"
you know
what I'm
saying? We
rounded up
them dogies
cuz we was
on a Filipino
Dog Ranch.
is that true?"
your grandpa
is full of crap."
Little girl,
don't listen
let me tell you a story about your
grandma's time on a Dude Ranch.

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