Monday, June 25, 2007

Cash For Boones Farm Will Do It Everytime

Grandpa, tell
me how you
and grandma
got together.
"Well little
girl, here's
what happened.
Your grandpa
put an ad in
the Honolulu
Advertiser, and
your grandma
answered the
ad. 50 other
women did too.
But grandma
also offered me
cash. Of course
I declined the
cash. Then we
met at a fine
Zippy's. I ate
a saimin bowl
and she had
a Surf-Pac,
spam musubi,
and a turnover
from Napoleans.
Then she
offered me
more cash. I
told her, "No
Thank You."
Then she
pretended to
drop stuff so
she could do
the "Bend and
Snap". But I
didn't fall for
that either.
Then she said
she would try
to serenade
me and sang
"Endless Love."
She offered me
money again
and this time I
took it cuz I
needed some
cash to buy
some Boones Farm.
One year later we got married."
"Grandma, is this for real?"
"No little girl, your grandpa is full of crap again."

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