Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hapa-Haole Girl

am I haole
or am I a
"Well, my
little pie,
your dad
is Irish and
your mom
isn't. So, I
believe the
term for
you is hapa
haole. And
that's cool
cuz half of
the time,
you will be
the other half
of the time,
you will just
be like any
other book.
Half of the
time, you will find the urge to dip something fried into
vinegar...the other half of the time, that will make you
wanna barf. And, half of the time, you will have no rhythm
at all and will tap your feet at inappropriate intervals, but
the other half of the time, you will think you are one of them
Jabbawockeez freestylers like your cousin Joe Larot.
So, there's pros and cons to being hapa-haole.
The good news is that your dad loves you very much.
Just be thankful you're not Bookbook/Hawaiian."
"Why Grandpa?"
"Cuz then you'd wanna do yardwork, but you no more land."

1 comment:

Three Pretty Girls said...

the song is "talk" by uness