Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bus Stop Squats, Soy Bean Oil and Billy Bush

"Grandpa, I'm gonna
go ride the bus...what
do you think about
riding the bus?"
"Well, my little crack
seed, your Grandma
used to ride the bus
for many years...but
it was a little bus and
she had to wear a
I see that you got the
squat down pretty
good...but I gotta tell
you, technically it ain't
a squat if your butt is
touching the ground.
You're actually better
off sitting on the curb.
It's kind of like sitting
on a chair...a big yellow
painted chair with dried
gum and animal hairs.
It's good that you got
some snacks with you,
cuz there's no food on
the bus, unless you
count roaches as food.
I see you got a bag of
potato chips........good
choice. It's got just the
right amount of sodium
and partially hydrogen-
ated soybean oil...mmm
heard that Billy Bush
likes to eat chips when
he rides the bus to work."
"Grandpa, who's more mental...Billy Bush or Alex Trebek?"
"Oh...that's a tough one...I'm gonna say Trebek. But if you
included the Fall Out Boy guitarist who hosts FNMTV, I
might have to put him up there too."
"Wow Grandpa, I was just wondering if you could randomly
discuss squats, soybean oil, Billy Bush and FNMTV in one

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