how come
we bringing
these Crispy
Creme donuts
to Hawaii?"
"Oh my little
this is cuz
local people
like 'em.
They don't
have Crispy
Creme in
Hawaii dass
"But Grandpa
isn't Crispy
Creme crap?"
"Well I don't
think it's the
taste of it,
cuz Hawaii
snacks is a
lot better.
Just like in
the old days
when they
didn't have
Coors beer in Hawaii...Whenever somebody went Mainland,
they had to come back to Hawaii with a case of Coors. Now, I don't
even think people drink Coors. And like if somebody goes Hawaii,
they gotta bring back some Hawaii kine shirts or Kukui nut necklaces
to the mainland. So it's more like you gotta get 'em cuz where you
come from don't got 'em'."
"Grandpa, is that why Grandma just bought some bags and purses?"
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