Friday, November 30, 2007

Shady Tree

"Grandpa, I don't
think that it's OK
that we refer to
a tree as 'shady'.
Do you think that
the tree might
get offended?"

"No my little
honey bucket,
all the tree gotta
do is say, "Your
mom's shady."

"I don't get it,
you freakish old
Ilocano goofball.
All you gotta do
is say, "Yo mama
is shady"?"

"No, don't say,
'Yo mama'....
say, 'Yo mom's
shady'. Get it?
Cuz that's more
funny dat way."



sandra said...

what? there is just NO WAY that a palm would be anywhere near a chinese banyan. this aint the mainland! or is that a coconut tree? it might be a coconut tree without coconuts. where are its coconuts? maybe the chinese banyan took them. if it's a coconut tree, then yes, it would totally hang out with the chinese, and it's love-child would be aunty toi.

sandra said...

uh oh never mind, isnt a coconut a palm? LOL