Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Can You Yell a Lilly Bit Louder Please

is it good
to yell at
"Oh my
no. It is
ok only
if the one
you are
yelling at
is a bad
who needs
are you
sure about
"Oh heavens
to Betsy yes.
Yelling is
a lack of
self control
to be used only when your Grandma is hard of hearing and needs a little bit of volume when being corrected.
So yelling is sometimes acceptable when communicating
between grandparents. "
"Grandpa, what about screaming? Is that ok?"

1 comment:

Papa Joe said...

The Roy cartoon looks like one of those whatsaaaaaaah Budweiser characters.

...makes me miss the Igorot Siamese twins. Yup, I still have that masterpiece someplace.