Friday, March 27, 2009

"Remember You Better"

this is my
name is
"Hello, I'm
where is
your dad?"
died when I
was a small
boy...I was
just seven
and I can't
hardly even
him. But
his name
was Damian
and he was
from Paoay, Ilocos Norte. I can only remember two things
about him. I remember one time, I don't know...maybe I
was 4 or 5 years old and I spilled a whole bag of rice...and
he didn't even get mad or anything...he said, "Don't worry,
let's just clean it up." And another thing I remembered was
that he sang this song, "If I give my heart to yooouuuuuu...
will you make me barbecuuuuuuuue." I must be retarded...
cuz he must have done a million things with me, and I can only
remember those two things? I mean, he saw me get born, he
fed me, changed me, put me to sleep, carried me everywhere,
probably sang a million songs to me, and that's the song that
I remember."
"Grandpa, don't worry.....I'll remember you better."

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