Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Yeah Right

can we have
a cat?"
make cat
hair and the
cat hair gets
all over the
place. And
they leave
hair balls
all over, and
you know,
the hairballs
at first glance looks a lot like doodoo. In the summertime
the stupid cats bring fleas in the house. And then the
house smells like a cat house. You know what a cat
house smells like? It smells like old lady house. So, I
guess the answer would be 'No!' And that's it."
"Oh, OK Grandpa...but what if we babysit this cat for
awhile....cuz the owner will be back...I promise. She's
just in L.A. for a little bit and the cat will be gone when
she gets back. K?"


sandra said...

cats have acid poo.

Anonymous said...

my kitty has poo that smells like cotton candy...