Thursday, February 28, 2008

Seattle Breakfast

can you let me
know how to
properly eat
a Seattle
"Ok, well the
first thing
you gotta do
is order a
mocha latte
and a biscotti.
A biscotti is
an Italian
bagel. It has
a lot of good
stuff in it like
eggplant and
Italian spices
and sausage.
Then you go
dip it in the
Mocha Latte.
This makes
it melt so it
can digest
into your
colon a little
bit faster
than normal.
Then you
take a bite,
and say,
be gonnie."
Then you
lick your
finger in case
you left some
biscotti in
your finger
Then you
take a swig
from your
Mocha Latte.
After you pau
do all that,
you go straight
to the bathroom
and make a
Biscotti and
Latte doodoo.
When it comes
you say, "Arrevdercci Aroma". Which is ironic cuz, the aroma isn't's just arriving. That's a typical Seattle breakfast."
"Grandpa, you're so smart."
"Yes, I hear that a lot."

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