Sunday, February 17, 2008

Austin Powers? Number 4

what's the
best trilogy
"That's why
I'm here my
little pepeyao.
To make you
the important
things. Okay,
first of all, for
reasons that
are obvious,
let's leave out
Godfather, Lord of the Zings, and Pirates.
Let's leave out Matrix cuz it's bad, I couldn't watch
more than 10 minutes of the first 2. Yes, Keanu Reeves is
like a sleeping pill. Back to the Future was exciting, but I don't think
it's top 3. The ending of Episode 1 of Indiana Jones still freaks me out
with the ark. So that leaves Star Wars, Spiderman, and Bourne.
When Jason and Nicky got together in 3...awesome. Can't wait for 4.
Spiderman had cool stories, I had the comix back in the sixties,
I thought I was Spiderman, Stan Lee rules. But how can you
argue with the drama of fighting your father to the death or
finding out you kissed your sister? Plus R2D2 is the man.
Best Villain of all time - Jabba the Hutt. Coolest bad guy - Boba Fett."
"Grandpa, you're the smartest."
"Yup, I know."

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