Saturday, February 23, 2008

"Don't Kiss The Cat's Lips!"

"Hey look
I'm gonna
kiss my
little kitty
there my
little brown
Skittle. Make
sure you
don't kiss
the cat on
the lips. You
don't know
where those
lips have
"What does
that mean,
you crazy
old Book?
Her lips
have been
on her face."
"Yah, you're
right, it's been on her face. But you don't know where else it's been."
"What does that mean, you knucklehead malungay eating monkey?"
"Well, whenever somebody says, "Hey, you don't know where those
lips have been."...what they mean is, "Hey knucklehead, don't you
know that the stupid cat has been licking her butt?"
"Grandpa, that's stupid. Why would anybody lick their butt?"
"Yes my little genius. Why would anybody lick their butt, indeed."

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