Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hey, What'd You Expect? She Lives in Seattle

"Hey old man,
what's the
lowdown on
coffee? Is it
bad for you?"
"Well, it don't
really matter
if it's bad or
not cuz every-
body drinks
it. It picks you
up and gets
you hooked
like a wacko."
"Is there anything good about it, old gray haired Grandpa?"
"Well it makes you run faster, jump higher, sing better
and lose weight faster too."
"Anything bad about coffee, my old past-his-prime Grandpa?"
"Yah, well it's a diuretic and it makes you pee a lot. In fact, it
looks like you squirted a little bit there my little cinnamon roll."
"How come you don't drink it Grandpa?"
"Cuz the Depends was making my butt look big."

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