Sunday, July 29, 2007

Have a Nice Chug? I Don't Think So

what are
some things
that you'll
never say?"
"Well my
little jello
shot, you'll
never hear
your Old
say stuff
like, 'Have a nice day' or 'Have a nice trip'.
Neither will I ever say 'Have a nice meal' 'Have a nice time'
'Have a safe trip' 'Have a clean shower' or 'Have a nice piece of dog'."
"Why not Grandpa? Why is it you never say stuff like that?"
"Cuz it sounds like I'm giving them permission to have a
nice meal, I'm approving them of having a safe trip, or I'm
allowing them to have a clean shower. Hey, they can have
one if they want. I hope they do, I just don't want to feel
like I'm giving them the OK to do it."
"OK Grandpa....I got it."
"Oh and little girl....have a nice chug of beer."

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