Thursday, July 12, 2007


This is the
face my little
spam musubi
makes when
ever she says,
Like if you
were to tell
her, "Ooooh,
you're such a
pretty girl."

"You're so
funny Namaile.
You should be
on the TV!"

"You're Grandpa
is so cool. He is
so funny and he
is so handsome
and so smart and
he's the best Grandpa in the whole world, and
he's the reason for living my life to the full, and
a day without Grandpa is a day without sunshine, and
the planets all revolve around your Grandpa, and
I just saved some money on my life insurance when I
switched to your Grandpa, and
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla...."

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