Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Snack Time

What's wrong
with this
picture? My
little beannie
baby got a
pack of sugar
in her mouth
and her best
friend Isabella
got a thing of
glue. That's
pretty normal
for 2 kids
from Tacoma
I guess. Which
of the 4 basic food groups do these come from?
I would guess that the sugar is a grain? and the
glue is a dairy product? but what do I know?....
....I just eat dogs.

Happy Fun Play Water Park

"Hey every
body! Look
at me! I got
my swimsuit
thing on. I'm
gonna go
into this
water thing
and it's all
wet and
stuff and
all the kids
love it cuz
it's super
hot right
now and
What the?
This is
so NOT
FUN. It's
water up
my butt
like a giant
bidet. Is
this 'sposed
to be for
Kids? It's
gonna turn
my swimsuit thing
into a swimsuit thong. Hey somebody get me outta here NOW!
This laser stream of water is gonna take my toenails out."

Hey Look! A Pretty Girl!......Oh, It's Just Me.

This is cool
cuz she's a
baby but
when you
bust an
adult who
himself in
the mirror,
well that's
What can
they say?
"Yah, well
I was just
checking to see if I had anything on my face." Yah right.
You're just looking in the mirror cuz it's there. You're a
person and there's a mirror....go for it...
On the other hand, Namaile is like, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha...my reflection....ha ha ha ha...look at my face."

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Have a Nice Chug? I Don't Think So

what are
some things
that you'll
never say?"
"Well my
little jello
shot, you'll
never hear
your Old
say stuff
like, 'Have a nice day' or 'Have a nice trip'.
Neither will I ever say 'Have a nice meal' 'Have a nice time'
'Have a safe trip' 'Have a clean shower' or 'Have a nice piece of dog'."
"Why not Grandpa? Why is it you never say stuff like that?"
"Cuz it sounds like I'm giving them permission to have a
nice meal, I'm approving them of having a safe trip, or I'm
allowing them to have a clean shower. Hey, they can have
one if they want. I hope they do, I just don't want to feel
like I'm giving them the OK to do it."
"OK Grandpa....I got it."
"Oh and little girl....have a nice chug of beer."

Favorite Pics.....

Number 6
This pic is cool cuz she's checking out this flower in
Seattle and she's thinking, "This is a flower. It's pretty. I like it cuz
it's pretty and it smells good." She got a good grip with her
right hand and her left hand is there in case it falls. I think
that qualifies her as a genius.

Number 5

The way she's holding her blanket and sucking

her thumb is exactly what her mom used to do

when she was small kid, except her mom would

smell my pillowcase. The look in her eyes says,

"One day, I'm gonna own you." Hah! she already does.

Number 4

Here's a pic of her first snow. So that's cool. It's

also a pic of her and her mom. You need one of

those in your 'Top Pics' list. She's thinking here,

"Man it's cold....where am I? North Pole?"

No my little snow bunny, you're in Tacoma.

Number 3

She's like barely born in this pic, and you

can already see in her eyes that she's gonna crack me up.

Her personality shows here and she's just new in town.

"Hey Grandpa, why don't you put the camera down

and get me a double tall mocha?"

Number 2

This is her first walk with Grandpa at Pacific Beach, San Diego.

She's checking out the seagulls, the ocean, the mermaids, the

flying fish, the dolphins, the pirate ship, and all the freaks walking

the boardwalk. "Grandpa, how come get so many freaks out here?"

"Little girl, they're all freaking out cuz they're jealous. They're

thinking, 'How come he gets to hold her?'"

"Hey you knuckleheads! I get to hold her cuz I'm her Grandpa!"

Number 1 Picture

This is my
cuz I got
a little
in my
And the
is smiling
cuz she
knows that
her old
is holding
I can see
in her eyes
that she's
gonna be
a funny
girl, and
actually right after the picture was taken she said,
"Hey Grandpa, make sure you email this picture to
me.....I got a feeling that it's gonna be your favorite."
What'd I say? ....Genius.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Uncle Dan Galla
You're my bald headed uncle
Man, what's up with that?

Ocean breeze can soothe

Snow geese fly south for winter

Red tie is too long.

Orange bell peppers

Do I look like a rabbit?

" How 'bout some real food?"

Sounds of sea in shell.

Yay! Two inches of water.

You call this a pool?

More Haiku

Steven James... a boy
Namaile lives in his world
See-through skin is cool.

Yellow hibiscus.

Young girl goes, "Hey! Look at me!

My pamps are soaked, yo!"

Plumeria ear.

Yo! Put your hands in the air!

"How 'bout a Whoop Whoop"?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Um....Doesn't He Belong In Hole Somewhere?

What's up
with snakes
Check her
1 year 2
weeks old
and she got
no problem.
Why? Cuz
the snake
is only 2
inches tall
das why...
It's also
so she can
run faster
than it can
it's silent
so it never
hassles her.
But I guess
these are
the same
reasons why
older girls
are scared of them.
Older guys too I suppose.
But not my little Namaile.
She's like, "So, don't show him to my Grandpa.
He might want to eat 'em...."

"Not Really That Funny, Old Man"

Why do I
do this? I
like to get
a scoop or
a spoonful
of something
and then
pretend like
I'm gonna
put it in
her mouth,
but I make
a U-turn
and then
stick the
stuff in my
mouth. And
then she
looks at me
like, "What
da deelio
Old man?"
And then I
get another
spoonful but this time I put the stuff in her mouth.
In this case, it's Salu-Salu Grill's famouse cantalope
drink. So now she's happy, then I do the routine
again. Get a spoonful, pretend like I'm gonna put it
in her mouth, and then I actually slurp it. I guess
it's funny...
"Namaile, is that funny or what?"

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

No Way....No Stinkin' Way

Here's a
that never
took place
back in
"Hey brah,
what do
you think
about selling
coffee? I
mean, not
for no 25
or 30 cents.
I mean for
like 4 bucks?"
"What brah?
You crazy or
what? Are
you telling
me that some
idiot is gonna
pay 4 bucks
for a coffee?"
"Yah brah, but check it out....we're gonna put whipped cream
in it...and different flavors....and we'll say it's from Kenya or
Zimbabwe...das right....people will pay 4 bucks for that...
And you know what? We can sell cookies too...for $1.50 each.
And then, you can go tip the barista 1 buck for making you
the 4 dollar coffee...We should do it brah.... you like do it or what?"
"You crazy. Next thing you know, you're gonna tell me we
should sell water."

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hey There Namaile *

Hey there Namaile, you're just walking everywhere
You're going up and down the stairs
You hardly fall down anymore that I can see
You're such a funny girl to me
Yeah to me
Hey there Namaile, 'bout a year ago today
I saw you come into this world
Yeah I was there and I was proud as I can be
I always dreamed that you would be
be with me
Oh........what you do to me
Oh........what you do to me
Hey there Namaile you got music in your soul
Cuz when the radio comes on
You start to dancin' and a groovin' to the beat
I like to watch your happy feet
your happy feet.
Hey there Namaile when we're watching the cartoons
You always laugh when you're s'posed to
Cuz you laugh whenever I do and that's cool
It's good you don't know I'm a fool
yah I'm a fool.
Oh.......what you do to me
Oh.......what you do to me
I see you growing bigger more and more each day
It's hard for me cuz we both live so far away
Hey there Namaile when I look into your eyes
I see your mom when she was young
We used to swim and play and we had lots of fun
We're gonna do the same things too
Just me and you.
Hey there Namaile you don't live here with your Grandpa
So I see you when I can
And until then I pray that you will be okay
That's what a Grandpa's s'posed to say
And so I say...
Oh.........what you do to me
Oh.........what you do to me
Oh.........what you do to me
Oh.........what you do to me
what you do to me.
*(To the Tune of "Hey There Delilah")

Monday, July 23, 2007

Future Heartbreaker

What am I
gonna do
about this
girl? You
see her
eyes. They
are so
to me. I
just know
that one
day she's
break my
what my
kids do to
me, so why
should she
be any
Her eyes
are saying,
"Grandpa, don't worry, I'll always be there for you.
Don't worry about anything cuz I will take care of
you and I'll massage your neck and shoulders and
I'll sing to you and play guitar and piano for you
and I'll cook all the things that you like okay Grandpa?"
Yah, right.

Aza Aza Fighting!

what's the
best Korean
drama ever?"
"Well my
little bulgogi,
that of course
would be
"Full House"
cuz it stars
Song Hye Kyo.
The story, of
course is
ridiculous and
very corny,
yet most
will agree
that "Full
House" would
be number 1."
You'll prolly
end up seeing
it once a year cuz that's what bookbooks do.
The best scenes of course is when she sings
the 3 Bears Song and when she barfs on his
shirt on the plane. And it's fun whenever
Hye-Won shows up on the screen to yell out,
"Hey Ho-won! Shut Up!"
Full House Video

Recycled Corn?

what's so
cool about
"Well my
camping is
cool cuz you
get to tell
stories. I
like to tell
stories 'bout
how poor we were. Like when your mommy was a small girl,
we were so poor that we had to let somebody go. Of course,
it was your Uncle Damian that we eventually laid off. And
we were so poor that whenever the photographer said "Cheese"
we all went to stand in line. And then, there was a time that
we were so poor that we recycled corn."
"How do you recycle corn, Grandpa?"
"Well my little Clif Bar, one day you eat corn on the cob, and
the next day you eat the same corn but this time it's in a salad."
"Yah Grandpa, but how can you eat the same corn?"
"Oh little girl........your Grandpa has so much to teach you."

Don't Forget to Face the Label to the Viewer

why do I
see product
in movies?"
"Well little
girl, it's one
way for the
producers to
get money
back in their
"How do
they do it?"
"Well they'll
be like, 'Hey
I need to get
lit and I'm
an idiot.' So
he'll say,
'Have some
Or maybe,
'Oh doctor,
my stomach
hurts and I
got the runs.
You got any
medicine that
would inspire
me?' 'How
about having
a nice cup of
Ovaltine?' or
'C'mon, get
those tennis
balls ready
so we can
wait a minute!
This ain't tennis balls! These are Pringles!!! Why, I oughta....."

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Well....Do They?

"Grandpa, is
there anything
that you can't
"Yes, my little
I can't stand
it when some
people apply
analogies in a
wrong way."
"Why not
"Cuz, why
should I wipe
my butt when
I'm only going to
doo doo again
are you sure
that analogy fits your argument?"
"Well little girl, does a chicken have lips?"

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Namaile Discusses Beatles' Crap

"Grandpa, I know you like the Beatles but
isn't there crap in every Beatles album?"
"Well, it's hard to make an album with EVERY song being good."
"Grandpa, what about Abbey Road? Was that their best album?"
"No, I don't think it was....but I liked side 2 better than almost
any one of their other albums. Side one also had 'Come Together'
and 'Something'."
"But Grandpa, didn't side one also have 'Octopus' Garden'? That was
crap wasn't it?"
"Yup yup, that was doo-doo."
"And on the Sergeant Pepper album, wasn't there 'Good Morning'?"
"Well that wasn't as bad as 'Octopus' Garden'."
"Didn't the White Album have some crap?"
"Don't Pass Me By, Wild Honey Pie, Why Don't We Do It In the Road...
all crap..."
"And Grandpa, what about Revolver? 'Dr. Robert' was crap right?"
"Yup yup, more crap."
"So Grandpa, I guess the Beatles put out a lot of crap."
"I suppose so..."
"Grandpa, can I still wear this shirt?"

Some Crazy Talk

"Grandpa, what
is that music?"
"Well little girl,
that's Aretha.
This is her
version of
'Rock Steady'."
I like Gwen
Stefani's one
"Yah, but you
should listen
to Aretha on
a real stereo."
"Grandpa, isn't
that dumb when
people say that
cuz 'anything' on
a real stereo will
sound good."
"Well Grandpa,
even music you
don't really like
will sound good on a real stereo. You might like my music
on a real stereo....you would probably like Jack Johnson...
Bright Eyes.....Taking Back Sunday.....James Morrisson...
Celine Dion...."
"Whoa! Slow down there cowgirl....Now you're talking Crazy Talk."

Friday, July 20, 2007


"Hey little
girl, have
you seen
I haven't."
"Yah, well
he hasn't
"Hey little
girl, do
you know
why Stevie
leg was
all wet?"
"Cuz his dog couldn't see either."
"Grandpa, are you sure it's OK to say that kine stuff?"
"You're right little girl. That's not nice kine stuff to say...
It's not fun to make jokes about stuff like that...I'm glad
that you're sensitive to people and compassionate about
their problems. It's best not to make fun of people...
Sooo......what do you call a Bookbook walking a dog?"
"I don't know Grandpa...what?"
"A vegetarian."

Thursday, July 19, 2007

It Only Gets Worse From Here

This is where
it begins....
First you
start playing
with a wallet
and then
next thing
you're taking
the cash,
and then
you borrow
the card,
and then
you get mom
or dad to
cosign for you and then payments are missed and then
mom and dad's credit rating goes down and then the
bank comes and confiscates everything and then the
power company shuts off your electricity and then
the hospital comes to collect your kidneys and you're
not even dead yet....
but it all begins here....checking out daddy's wallet.
How does Grandpa know? Don't ask.

Ham Bone - Fake Laughing

My little
treble clef
is crackin'
up for no
she just
fake laughs
really loud
and long.
She'll be
like, "Ha ha
ha ha ha ha!"
There's really
nothing funny
...Just her...
cuz she's fake
"Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha!"
laughing at
her and she's
loving it...
It tells me one thing about my little granddaughter....
she does stuff to make other people laugh. That's cool.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Once Upon a Time.....

can you tell
me a story?"
"Ok, little
upon a time
there was a
prince and
he married
a beautiful
and when
they were
dating, she
his tired
neck and
but after
they got
married, she stopped cuz
she only like to go shopping for candles and knicknacks and
potpourri and crap. She was also busy eating chocolates. The end."
"Grandpa, do I know the beautiful princess?"
"Oh yes you do."
"Grandma, do you know this story?"
"Yah, the prince wasn't that handsome."
"Grandpa, how come your stories always junk kine?"

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

She's Just Like Her Grandma

"Grandpa, you're
really old yeah?"
"How did you
know my little
stick of butter?"
"Cuz you got all
those wrinkles
around your
eyes. And you
got those 'age'
spots on your
cheeks too. So
I guess you're
really old yah?"
"Well let me
think about it...
you just turned
one year old, so
I'm 49 years
older than you.
I guess that's
pretty old."
"Grandpa, are you so old that you're gonna die pretty soon?"
"That's funny, your mom asked me that a long time ago
when she was a small girl. And I'm still alive so....I guess
I'll try to stick around until at least you get married and
have a baby."
"Anyway, I was just wondering cuz if you do croak, can
I have some of your stuff?"

Q and A with Grandpa

"Grandpa, do
we come from
"No little girl,
but I'll eat one."
"Grandpa, how
can you tell if
a turtle is a
boy or a girl?"
"Hmmm, let
me eat one
and I'll let
you know."
"Grandpa, can
elephants fly?"
"No but if it
could, after it
lands, I'll eat
it for lunch."
"Grandpa, how
can you eat a
whole elephant?"
"One bite at a time little girl."
"Grandpa, is there such thing as a unicorn?"
"No, but if there was, I'll eat one. I like mine with a light sauce."

Uncle Troy Goes Diving

look, Uncle
Troy is
going to
go to this
little pool.
There's a
bunch of
people and
they're all
taking pics
and making
all kind
noises and
stuff. But
he's only
in there
for a short
time. Oh
da junk.
But it's hot
and it looks
like a good
way to
cool off. So
what? You
think one
day I can go diving like Uncle Troy for a 1 minute swim?"
"One of these days my little can of tuna....one of these days."

Monday, July 16, 2007

Grandma Neneng - OG from Olongapo

Here's my
little cup of
trying to
get away
from her
"Hey, little
girl, why
are you
trying to
get away
from your
"Well my
cool but
old Grandpa,
isn't she a
"Yes, she is.
She's part
of the gang
from a town
in the P.I.
That's her
and her son
Uncle Ian flashing their Olongapo signs
that's cuz they're gangstas from Olongapo."
"Grandpa, actually isn't that the W sign for 'West Coast'?"
"No, that's the W sign for 'Walang Pera'."

HanaBada Nose

"Grandpa, what is hanabada nose?"
"Well actually little girl, that's funny you would ask.
Hanabada nose is same as sipon nose.
Hanabada comes from the latin words "hana"
which means nose, and "bada" which means
leaking with a clear or yellowish green substance.
Normally, a child with hanabada nose would also have
wet pamps and itchy mosquito bites.
If you were to look in a mirror right now, you would
see an excellent example of this."
"Grandpa, actually isn't 'hana' japanese for nose,
and 'bada' is Hawaiian Pidgin for butter. So 'hanabada'
would then be Pidgin for 'nose butter'?
"Ey what? You like one slap? Go wipe your nose."

Uncle Ira

Here's my
little apo
with Uncle
Troy and
Uncle Ira.
"What are
you trippin'
on little
"I'm lookin'
at the mole
on Uncle
Ira's neck.
how come
have moles
with hairs
growing out
of it? Why
don't your
people pull
'em out?"
"Well first
of all little
I think the
reason they
no pull 'em
out is cuz it looks cool, very native and ethnic.
There's nothing more attractive than a mole
with hair sticking out of it. Especially if an Aunty
has one. Nothing says, "I'm a bookbook" like a
mole with hair sticking out of it.
Secondly, that's not "YOUR people". It's OUR people."
"Oh yah Grandpa, true dat."

Saturday, July 14, 2007

An Epiphany

what is an
"Well my
little bag
of lychee,
I can't
tell you
what one
is but I
can show
you. You
see here
Jarick and
if you saw them walking down the street and
you were forced to put on some welders glasses
because of their bright light...you just had an epiphany."

A Conundrum

what is a
"Well my
little goldfish,
I can't really
define it but
I can show
you what a
looks like.
You see
these two
guys Jarick
and Nathan,
they are
SoCal books
but they're
shaka signs.
Here though,
we got some
Hawaii books
and they're
peace signs.
AND their
peace signs
have different
angles to 'em. Why?
So little girl, this to me would be a conundrum."

Pag Kumain Niya Nagkakamay

My little
bebot is
eating her
food book
book style.
She don't
need no
fork or
spoon cuz
she's going
native and
That's a
pinoy word
for eating
with your
hands. You
roll your
rice into a
little ball
and push it
into your
mouth with
your thumb.
did you
wash your
hands first?
I saw you scratching yourself in the car."