Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thank You Mr. Gooleelee

"Grandpa, my last name is Brumet...what's your last name?
"Oh, well my apellido is Guilao."
"What does 'Guilao' mean?"
"Well, I 'heard' that Guilao comes from the Greek words
Gui - which means 'Wife' and
Lau - which means 'Loves to buy bags and shoes'."
"Isn't 'Guilao' hard to say?"
"Well, I always like going to Safeway (Vons) and having
the cashier look at the receipt before giving it to me....
then she looks like she's stressing for about a second or 2
before saying, '......thank you Mr..................Gooeylani'.
or '............thank you Mr..............Googly-A-O'
or '............thank you Mr..............Gillooly'.
I LIVE for that."
"Grandpa, why do they try to say your name? Why don't
they just say 'Hey, tanks bruddah!'?"
"Well my little kitty, people have different ways of thanking
people. Some will say, "Hey tanks bruddah" and others
will say, 'thank you Mr.........Gilly-ano'."

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