Monday, June 30, 2008

Grandpa Phil

how come
I get sad?
I don't like
it when I'm
like this..."
"Well my
little bowl of
you can't
always be in
a good mood
you get a
little out of
sorts...but I
find that if
you do a few
things, it can
get better.
1. Try to be
around happy
people, get
away from
grouchy kine
people cuz
they can
bring you down.
2. Tears can happen. Just endure it for a while and then move
on...don't think so much about it and wonder where things went
wrong. The only person you're with all of your life is just
be alive. Don't be all gloomy and stuff. Watch cartoons. Laugh a
lot...laugh long and loud, snort if you want to...laugh till you're
stomach hurts and you're rolling on the floor.
3. Surround yourself with what you love. If it's music, plants or
family, whatever...keep yourself around them."
"Grandpa, are you trying to be Dr. Phil or something?"
"Dr. Phil? Ha mean Dr. Phil A Peeno."

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