Sunday, June 29, 2008

"Five Bucks? It's Worth Twenty Cents You Knucklehead."

"Hey Grandpa, you
got any stupid stories
to tell me today?"
"Yes my little kibbles
and bits, today me
and Grandma went
to the San Diego Swap
Meet down by Sports
Arena and I saw some
mental stuff."
"Yeah, what's up with
dem Swap Meet peeps?
Day is funny yeah?"
"Yeah, it's funny when
there's this guy who is
selling Karaoke tapes,
and so of course he gots
to sample his stuff...and
he's playing this crap
with organ sounds and other sounds from an eighties
keyboard machine, and then he's looking around and
singing but acting bored as he's doing it...everybody is
like staying far far away from his stall. I ask this other
lady how much her stuff is, and she's like, "Well, it's worth
200 bucks... but today I'll sell it to you for 15 bucks." And
when I look at it, it looks like it's worth 3 bucks. And so of
course, your Grandma is like, "Get it! Get it!" And I'm so
not getting it. There was one guy selling a guitar and it
looks like he may have sat on it or crushed it when it was
in the trunk of his Chevy. And so he sees me looking at it,
but he mistakes my look of disgust with a look of interest.
So he says, "Do you collect antique guitars?" I'm thinking,
'Why is he selling this piece of crap?'. Then there's this
lady walking by me and she's going to every stall and looking
at every item in each stall...of course when I look closely I
discover that it's your Grandma. So yeah, this morning
was mental."

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