Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Grandpa, Are You Gonna Eat Them?"

how come
we're going
around the
San Diego
Zoo in a bus?
Why don't we
walk around
like all the
other people?"
cuz we lazy,
dass why."

what kind of
animals does
we got over
"Well, my little
purple skittle,
right behind
you is a Toi.
She is from
the Thelma
family, of the
genus. And
she's gonna be
endangered if she don't start massaging me like she did
when we was dating an den."
"What you gonna do about it Grandpa?"
"Nothing, cuz she can be prone to violence and shopping."
"Why are all these animals in cages? Isn't that cruel?"
"Not really, my little Kunka Nin. They feed 'em kau-kau
and people clean up their crap. Then people watch 'em
dance and eat and sing and whatever nonsense they do."
"Kind of like me last year, huh Grandpa?"
"Last year?? Ha Ha Ha Ha...girl, you crack me up."

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