Thursday, June 26, 2008

Scary Stuff

what are
some stuff
that scare
"Well, my
little poser
of questions,
there aren't
too many
things that
scare your
Tata. But I
guess here's
a list of a few:
1. Dolls and Clowns
2. When your Grandma walks into Goodwill after payday.
3. Vincent D' Onofrio from Law and Order Criminal Intent.
4. Hearing Conor Oberst's voice from any Bright Eyes song.
5. The face that your aunty Mahina makes when she bugs
her eyes out and she makes a retarded smile. It's so scary
I can't even look. I guess that would be my top five."
"Grandpa, you Ilocano/Visayan orangatang, are you scared
of Vincent D'onofrio's acting or is it his facial gestures?"
"Both I guess."
"How about when I sit on uncle's lap while we're playing piano
and I start swaying off beat like Jason Castro on crack?"
"Um...that would be 'Scary-Funny'."

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