Monday, May 18, 2009

"Grandpa, Bookbook TV Made My Face This Way"

look at my
mental face you
like it?"
...yeah? It
reminds me
of the kind
of faces that
yer Grammy
makes when
I ask her if
I can have a's the exact same face...exactly."
"Grandpa, where else do you see this same face?"
"It's the same face that I make when I watch some
of the TV shows on Pinoy Bingo Night.
Kris Aquino is the ding dong that asks the most
stupidest questions to contestants....she's mental.
And then there's the show 'Kambal sa Uma'. It's a
story of twin girls who unfortunately have rodent
features cuz their mom lived on a farm and would
occasionally eat rats...which of course resulted in
her twin girls having rat ears and rat tails......but
one rat girl is prettier and less rattier than the other,
kind of like the Kardashian girls."

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