Saturday, November 8, 2008

Eating Out is Funner

why is it so
fun to eat
"Well, first
of all, eating
out means
that nobody
gotta do no
does dishes
but it ain't
me. Secondly eating out is good cuz the food always
tastes good... you know sometimes when Thelma
cooks, you gotta pray twice... pray before you eat
and then you gotta pray after you eat. And then,
the most bestest reason why it's funner to eat out,
you get to put more balance on Grandpa's credit card,
putting me deeper and deeper in debt... that's the
cat's meow."
"Grandpa, how bout after when we get to listen to
the street singers? That's fun too yeah?"

1 comment:

Papa Joe said...

Looks like Myrna is really impressed.