Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another Useless List

"Hey, you old has-been Visayan knucklehead, is there like
an all-purpose phrase that you like to say out of the blue?"
"Well my little pie, there are actually 5 phrases that you can
say anytime for no reason ... and I suppose you would like to
see those 5....
1. "I like _____, it tastes just like chicken."
I used to use this whenever people would look at a dog
or any other food, especially at a buffet.
A similar phrase would be, "It's really good when it's spicy."
That one works really good in a bakery.
2. "Excuse me...I was praying"
This is good if your boss catches you sleeping.
3. "Well, isn't that the cat's meow?"
This works anywhere...anytime.
4. "Well, isn't that the dog's bow-wow?"
Actually, this seldom works... thought I'd just throw it in
- in fairness to dogs.
5. "I'm a little girl and I like fancy things."
It sounds better if you're actually a little girl...but if you
are an old guy...you probably should avoid this one."
"Grandpa, I find this list totally useless."


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