Saturday, September 13, 2008

Story of the Tortoise, the Rabbit and the Book

what is this
white fluffy
thing with
floppy ears?"
"Oh that?
That's what
you call a
rabbit. Some
people call
'em hares.
Once upon
there was a
story about
a rabbit and
a turtle. The
rabbit of
course was
very very
fast and he
was checking
out the turtle
and mocking
it cuz it was
so slow. He's
like, "Hey!
Hey you slow
turtle! Brah,
you are so
stinkin' slow.
I kill you in
a race.' And
the turtle is
like, 'Yeah,
know you
can't beat
me cuz up
in the road
ahead is a
bookbook and he don't eat turtles cuz too much work for
just a little bit of meat. But those books eat rabbits. They like
to put your ears with vinegar, tomatoes and onions...and
they like to make adobo with your body....and they like to
use your fluffy tail when they're applying their pulbo...and
your head they will deep fry and eat with Mong Tomas
sauce.' And the rabbit was like so scared that he died right
there on the spot. The end."
"Wow Grandpa, that's a nice story."


Papa Joe said...

Haven't paid attention to the Yellowjackets much since Robben Ford left and they started to feature altos instead, but "Tortoise and the Hare" is sweet. Surprised you still listen to that stuff...

sandra said...

LOL use your tail to apply pulbo LOLOLOLOL