Saturday, September 20, 2008

How Old Is My Grandpa?

you sure do
have a lot
of gray hair must
really be old
"Well, as a
matter of
fact, your
Grandpa is
really old.
I'm older
now than
Gabby was when he sang Hiilawe on the Brown Album back
in 1972. I'm older now than your great grandma Nancy was
when your mommy was born. I'm so old that I remember
when gas was 25 cents a gallon and comix was 12 cents. I
remember when Awake was 10 cents and had food at
Assemblies. I remember when your Grandma Thelma could
run like a gazelle and your Grandpa was really mental."
"You USED to be mental? Ha Ha Grandpa, you crack me up."

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