Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cold Cold River Happy Fun Time

check it out
in the river
...you ever
seen a book
book do dis
"Ha ha ha
ha ha ha...
you crack
me up."
rivers are
fun yeah?
We can go
walking up
and down
this place,
we can go
look at the
where's all
the fish?...
and we can
look at all
rocks and
look at the
nice rock...
it's smooth
and it's wet
and it's all
rocky and
da trills oh
heyah in
da river. If
we take this
rock home,
we can make
fancy kine
Or maybe
can use em
for scrub her
okole when
she takes a
shower and
What's that
I see in the
water? Oh
wow! IT'S
more ROCKS!!!
This is more fun than Waimea Beach. Now I wonder if somebody
can swing me around in the air? Then I can say, "WHEEEEEEE!"
OH! I can't stand this! Swing me in the air...WHEEEEEEEEEEE!
I'm in this cold, cold, cold river and there's nobody here and we're
looking at rocks and afterwards, we're gonna go get shave ice and
I'm gonna conk myself in the head so I can see stars....WHEEEE!"

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