Friday, September 19, 2008

Puyallup Fair

try look..we
stay at the
Fair! And
there's a
place here
they call
How come
they call it
that, you old
flip freak?"
"I don't know
...maybe cuz
they get a
bunch of
inside there
that sing
karaoke all
day. Look at
what your
Aunty Hina
is holding...
they call it
know why?"
because when
they called it
Stool' nobody
bought it."
"Hey little
girl, check
out that huge
burger thing.
I wonder
what that's
made out of.
come that
dog over there
got only three
legs? Check
out Aunty
Mahina eating
the corn. How
come she eats
it sideways?"
don't you eat
corn up and
down style?"
"Yeah, anyone
can eat corn
takes skill to
eat em up and
what does
that red trash
bin say on it?"
"Oh that?
That's the
doo-doo only
trash bin. I
guess that bathrooms are out of the question here at
the Puyallup fair. You know what they say...'Here at
the Puyallup fair, it's not all the fun that you don't do,
it's all the fun that you do do.'"

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