Monday, October 15, 2007

Actually, This One Smells Pretty Good

Things Namaile will never say to describe the smell of flowers:
1. This reeks of stinky feet.
2. Yummy....Putrid...foul...and BINGO!
3. Did somebody run this through the bowels of Mergatroid?
4. Dingleberry potpourri? YES, I'll take 2.
5. Grandpa's death breath.
6. Dead skunk 3 days on a blacktop.
7. My spidey sense is tingling.
8. Calgon....Take me Away!
9. This is what it smells like when doves cry.
10. Do you have you have you have to let it linger?


ysha may navarro may jose said...

she's super pretty and super smart. how does she know she's supposed to smell flowers?babies don't know..but she does. she's no baby, she's a genius.

traci said...

HI, I am a sister in Washington State. I saw your encuraging message to our friend Dennis. Thank you for taking time to write to him. I looked up your website and really enjoyed it. you have a beautiful family- so full of joy and life. If Dennis doesnt get to enjoy your website-I m sure one day in the new sytem we can all enjoy getting to know each other. I really enjoyed your sense of humor and obvious love for them..