Sunday, October 21, 2007

She Loves Her Grandpa....SHE LOVES GRANDPA!

stop it, stop
kissing me,
it's tickling
me and
making me
happy. Ha
Ha Ha Ha,
I'm laughing
and I'm now
having so
much fun....
I'm having...
Uh Oh!
What is
that freak
of a face
that you're
making rat
about nah.
Are you...
Oh, I get it,
you're just
making a
face that
makes when
you tell her
to give you
a massage.
Why does
she hate to
you? Uh-oh.
You're gonna
kiss me again.
Um...I gotta
go now...
Stop yelling!
Bye Grandpa.
.....Gotta go now you old,
wrinkled, deranged, white-shirted Chimpanzee."

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