Saturday, January 26, 2008

"You Are My Brodder...Por-Eberrrrrrrr"

I can't watch
this crap."
don't you
just change
the channel?"
have you
ever seen
crap on TV
and you
know it's
crap, but
you keep on watching anyway?"
"Uh..yup...Raiders football since 1984, any news on
Amy Winehouse or Britney, and this ridiculous bookbook on Idol..."

1 comment:

Papa Joe said...

Renaldo was the man that night. After all, he would "geeb hofe to dose who are in dis pairs...and to be be strenth."

Hey! Sanjaya! C'mere and check this guy out. Imagine your hair and that silver cape.

(Personally, I think a lot of these people are trained actors hired by the producers to keep ratings up this part of the series.)