Sunday, November 15, 2009

Who's a Knucklehead Now?

"Grandpa, if there was no gravity, wouldn't life
be so much funner?"
"By the dew of Hermon, life would be hilarious.
Let's say you were on top of a van, and then you
jumped off ... well you would just start floating
in the air and then your Grammy would be like,
"Hey you knuckleheads! Namaile is floating in
space, somebody get her." She's all panicking but
hey! There's no gravity. So I would be like, "Hey
you knucklehead Grammy, look! I can float too."
And then I would float away to grab you, and then
we'd end up on some cloud. Then we'd both lie
down on the cloud and look down at your Grammy
and say, "Hey! Grammy! Who's a knucklehead now?"

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