Thursday, March 13, 2008

Those Idol Knuckleheads

what's up
with this
old pic of
me when
I went
last year?"
"I wanted
a picture
of you with
a Beatles
shirt cuz
it's time to
talk about some of those Idol Knuckleheads."
"You mean the country girl who totally butchered
'8 Days a Week'?"
"No, that would be like shooting fish in a barrel. She's
pretty like a Barbie Doll but her pants was all buss up.
I was thinking more of that little Mama Boy Archuletta.
He kept forgetting the lyrics to 'We Can Work It Out'.
And then David the former dancer couldn't dance to
'I Saw Her Standing There'. It prolly would have been
better if he sang 'I Saw HIM Standing There'. And what's
so good about the 'Let It Be' girl. She gets to stay cuz
she was crying? Archuletta cries everytime somebody
has to go. I had to go this morning, TWICE. I wonder if
Archuletta cried for me. I doubt it. I'm just glad that
this year's Sanjaya, Noriega is gone. I can picture him
singing 'Get Back', and when it comes to the part where
he's sposed to sing 'Get back Jojo' instead he sings,
'Bring back my sun dress Jojo'."

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